by Sarah Bratnober | Mar 6, 2012 | Stories
Starting a new business that intertwines so many of the things I really love is a total blast. In my case, it’s been a joyful reunion with some of the most talented creative people with whom I’ve worked throughout my career – writers, designers,...
by Sarah Bratnober | Mar 6, 2012 | Travel Tips
I was car camping with a friend in Nova Scotia, and our aimless adventure suddenly took shape when we picked up a schedule of the farmer’s markets throughout the territory. We didn’t worry about hitting a market every day, but the towns with markets did...
by Sarah Bratnober | Mar 6, 2012 | Whereabouts Kitchen
I know the correct pronunciation is “ka-FEER,” but I’ve always called it “KEE-fer” – hence the title of this post. If you’ve never tried the cultured milk beverage called kefir, you’re missing a healthy dairy treat....